Thursday, July 23, 2009

Heart of Winter...

Here, deep in the winters heart
Falls drops of icicle gold
From heaven to earth to me
Truth comes from storehouses cold

Reminding me of seasons
Life's chill lasts but for a day
A new spring dawns tomorrow
Warm suns rise over the way

And yet whilst now tears frozen
Drench the earth with God's blessing
Beautiful the cold morning
Songs of praise now expressing

To our God who made seasons
Even cold wind's biting air
Thank you for reminding me
That your joy is everywhere

In both coldness and in warmth
And in clouds and clear skies too
Life is life and hope is hope
May our souls rest well in You...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The throne of God
Where smoke ascends
Comes saintly prayers
From God's true friends

But not from song
Or spoken prayer
The hungry fed
Because they care

Our Sundays best
Is seen as vain
A hobo helped
His home a lane

The smoky plume
Shows justice done
With life stained hands
A battle won

Let justice flow
Let true love show
May God be pleased
Shalom below...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hysteria = 100 million + one dead king of pop!

Hysteria:- a state of extreme emotion: a state of extreme or exaggerated emotion such as excitement or panic...

If there is anything in today's world absolutely guaranteed to induce wide-spread epidemics of hysteria then it is the chance of becoming a multi-millionaire. In a similar way, the death of a famous mega-star will also produce an unparalleled hysterical reaction. These two realities have intertwined this week in a crazy five day period like no other in recent memory. This white man will never forget seeing long queues of people extending out from newsagents and Tattslotto agencies into the centre walkways of major shopping centres this week seeking their chance of fortune courtesy of a 100 million lotto draw, a record draw in Australian history. Ten million tickets were sold for the draw, that's one for every two Australians living in the 'lucky country'. Two people did get lucky, sharing the major prize and instantly becoming multi-millionaires in the process. Good for them! They are sure to be instantly rich, but also instantly people's 'best friends'. They're sure to have instant stress and instant anxiety as to how to deal with their sudden wealth. Good luck! As for the rest of Australia who lined up and hoped beyond hope that their lucky numbers would fall - well this white man says get over it. I heard today that there is more chance you could be pooed on by a flying bird than win Tattslotto. Funny that - getting pooed on by a bird is deemed lucky in some cultures! Maybe all those million dollar dreamers should just queue up in the Melbourne Zoo aviary - they'd be sure to strike it lucky there!

And then there was MJ...Michael Jackson, the self-professed king of pop died last Friday morning aged 50, apparently the result of cardiac arrest mixed with prescription drug abuse. And then the world went into a hysterical meltdown the likes of which haven't been seen since the tragic accidental death of Princess Diana in 1997. In the past six days since Jackson's death, he has dominated news coverages, current affairs programs and numerous television docos have aired as tributes to the enigmatic freakshow genius entertainer who was Michael Jackson. The maligned sicko in life has now seemingly become some kind of messianic superstar in his death. All of the eccentricities, from his ghoulish appearance to his penchant for companionship with children all seem to have been waylaid post-mortem. Again, a saint is being made of a man who was nothing more than a social misfit with strange tendancies. This white man says remember Michael Jackson for who he really was - yes, a wonderfully gifted entertainer who bought musical enjoyment to millions world-wide. But he must always be remembered as an oddity of life; someone who thought he could do whatever he wanted in his own little fantasy world. I never liked either his music or his lifestyle but that is just my opinion. Let history judge him in a realistically balanced way. No-one is ever simply black or white...