Friday, June 5, 2009

The Return!

The white man has returned! Sound the anthems, blast those trumpets, brush the webs off the podium for this white man's one month sabbatical is over! Now, having got that opening self-indulgent diatribe out of the way, time for some truth-telling. The truth is this - this blog space, this haven from the buffeting waves of life had not been fulfilling it's proper purpose. Rather than being a therapeutic outlet for the whinges and whimsical wisdom of the white man, this blog had become a circus of superficiality for nothings sake. Don't get me wrong - I enjoy the lighter side of life as much as the next clown but if this blog is to mean anything to it's creator then it has to be true to the sensibilities of the creator.
Hence, one difference in this renewed white man's world is that there will probably not be an entry every day. How quickly a tool can become the master - the self-induced pressure to put something on here on a daily basis was unreasonable and ridiculous. That's why much of late April and early May was 'devoted' to vacuous pictures of kids stuck in toilets and so on...that was reason enough for this white man to take a contemplative break from a world slowly becoming a joke. Again, be rest assured that this world isn't going to transform into a 21st century version of the book of Lamentations. There'll still be those lighter moments, for the what the wise one once said still holds true; if you don't laugh you'll cry! But there'll definitely be more reflective wisdom, poetic masterpieces (in the poets mind anyway!) and theological commentary.

That's all for now - the white man looks forward to making his world here a better place, a more sincere place and a realm he feels happy to be king in once more!

1 comment:

Oldie said...

Welcome back, I like your reasoning. I remember the boy in the photo too - the happy fun loving boy (won't mention the grey hairs he gave me)!!!!!!!!!!