Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Last night this white man had the opportunity to sit in on his first senior church leadership board meeting since beginning my re-invention as a member of The Salvation Army Camberwell. And it was a constructive meeting from my point as I was given a time slot to present some thoughts and observations of the current health status of children's ministries at C'well and then present some new ideas for where things should head in the near-future. And following that further church business was discussed and the meeting concluded shortly thereafter. I looked at my watch and discovered that the meeting had only gone for 90 minutes. That would definitely make that church leadership committee meeting the shortest I have been to in a long, long time! Again, God is good!

But there was one other moment that struck me last night in this meeting. I guess it was what many would term a "God moment" - it certainly took me to a place of meaningful contemplation. Sitting across from where I was seated last night during that meeting was my Sunday School leader from 28-30 years ago. David currently assumes responsibility in C'well Corps for the discipleship programs. I remembered vividly my own Sunday School days as a boy learning the ins-and-outs of God, the Bible, the Army and so on. And I even recalled David writing a reference letter for me in order to assist my scholarship application to attend Scotch College. And it just made me think...when David took on the role as Sunday School leader all those years ago would this fine Christian gentleman have had any idea that one of his young boys would one day, some 30 years later, be discussing his plans for the present and future Sunday School in 2011 and beyond? Did he have any inkling of the significance of the foundation of faith that he played a part in building in someone like me? Not that I'm anyone special at all for I only want to chip in and 'do my bit'. But it just made me wonder...do we really ever stop to think of the impact we have on the young people we lead in the church? Do we dream where they may end up one day down the track? Do we actually realise that the foundations of faith we lay in children is so precious a task that it stands the test of time and real living?

I thank God for people just like David who in their humility serve God and His church faithfully. Because I know that without such leadership and guidance young boys like me could easily end up base-less and without direction or substance. And as such I am inspired to simply do the same...to serve God by leading the most precious jewels of His Kingdom, the children. And if I can be a foundation-builder for God in the lives of children then I know that my life here on earth has been well spent. Because in 30 years from now I want to sit where David sat last night...keenly listening to the dreams and plans of a children's ministry leader whose faith foundation has my initials carved in it's small corner somewhere. Oh, that I could have that privilege someday...

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