Wednesday, January 14, 2009


As this white man writes at this late hour he is amazed by the technology of communication. As I write, Phuong is speaking to her sister over the internet - a conversation spanning half the world, from the UK to here in Australia. Also in conference with these two rapid staccato-tongued sisters is their younger brother, trying to get a word in from Hoi An, Vietnam. So there it is - a three-way conversation over three continents that sounds like audible chop suey but still is amazing!
Technology really is so amazing. Sometimes scarily so. Mobile phones as small as match-boxes would seem only a key tap away. How creative the human mind is to invent the incredibly intricate systems of communications we have today. Fibre-optic jumbled bundles criss-cross the planet connecting this to that. Satellite signals are floating around our midst and we don't even know it. It's all such a mind-blowing mystery to try and comprehend - all of the wires, cables, signals, transmissions and so on...This white man will never his head around it all!

And yet still all of the technological ingenuity, communications-wise or whatever else, that humanity will ever create on this planet pale in comparison to God and His omniscience, His omnipresence and His omnipotence. Nothing can ever compare to the most awesome Creator God who can hold a simultaneous conversation not just between three of his children but 3 billion plus more! Infinitely limitless in His Divinity, God is still God and He still works better than a billion broadbands! And that's why, for as much as I may marvel at a three-way conversation over three continents thousands of kilometres away from each other, I stand more in awe of the God who created it ALL! Amen!

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