Thursday, February 12, 2009

Disgraceful Attitude From a Christian Pastor!

This afternoon I received an email from my Mum highlighting the views of one Pastor Danny Nalliah, the pastor of Catch the Fire (unfortunate name?)Ministries in Australia. In short, Pastor Danny believes that it was the state of Victoria's fault that the horrific fires happened last Saturday. How so you ask? According to this man, Victoria was 'punished by God' for allowing the decriminalisation of abortion last year. He also backs up this belief of God's awful wrath and judgment by telling us all that he foresaw it in a dream. A dream of highly burning flames. God spoke to him then and said that He would remove His conditional protection over Victoria as a result of the relaxation of baby-killing laws in Victoria. For an overview of his opinion then click on the following link;

This white man would just say this - instead of promoting negative, irrational and ungracious views of God Pastor Danny, why don't you focus your passionate energy towards the Whittlesea or the Yea Relief centres and actually concentrate on something more constructive to assist the hurting people who are suffering at this time. Suffering not because God lifted His protection from the state of Victoria (what an antequated and highly irrelevant old covenant of Mosiac law idea) because of the decriminalisation of abortion but hurting because of a terrible chain of unavoidable natural events that led to what truly was one of Victoria's darkest hours.

Fundamentalist propaganda from radical right-wing 'God-fearing' Christian extremists like you Pastor Danny give rise to nut-cases actually going out to light fires because they have 'dreams' and believe God is telling them to torch this evil world! In short, if it's not going to help then don't say it! Silence is golden (Proverbs 17:28) so keep your irrational extremist arguments to yourself Pastor Danny!

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