Saturday, March 14, 2009


This white man knows that a key component in a succesful advertisement, especially on television or radio is the annoyance factor. Radio-wise, if there is a more excruciatingly annoying ad than the helium-infused squeaky voiced clown singing "the blind factory, the blind factory etc..." then I haven't heard it. But TV-wise, the ad that is absolutely driving me up the proverbial wall presently is the new Medownick commercial for laser eye treatment. It's the ad with the 'dancing eyes' lady who shifts her eyes around whilst shrugging her shoulders to some cheesy pop song. I don't know if it's the woman's smug smile that annoys me the most, or perhaps the music or probably a combination of all of it. But it's a nerve-grater for sure and this white man is not alone in his disdain for this ad.

Already Facebook has an established group of devoted haters of this particular commercial with their own forum of spite vengefully poured out with total wrath upon the 'dancing eyes lady'. Of course there's a lot of nonsense and over-the-top commentary towards the ad but one forum member made a very good point - how will the 'dancing eyes lady' ever walk down a public street again without being heckled and imitated? Talk about a cross to bear. Ironically, she'll probably have to wear sunglasses everywhere she goes just to prevent being constantly recognised and mocked!

And of course the delicious irony for the advertising executives and probably for Medownick themselves is that whilst everybody is absolutely hating their contribution to commercial television, they are reaping the benefits of their irritating offering. An annoying ad often makes for an effective ad. It's enough to make you raise your eyebrows and maybe even do an eye dance?! By the does one's eyes actually dance? What a nonsense...

1 comment:

Oldie said...

Don't worry - it will pass! This lady's notoriety will fade in a very short time and other ads will take her place. Nothing to get your 'knickers in a knot' over!!!!