Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This white man certainly appreciates that, when it comes to perspectives, diversity and difference is not such a bad thing - even a healthy thing. When people come from different angles of perspective often a more wholistic, multi-dimensional view of things can be seen and appreciated. I also am a fervent believer that this world is more often than not simply black or white in nature but is more a collage of varying shades of grey. But some things surely are beyond conjecture or debate aren't they?

This week, at a UN summit against the issue of racism, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad delivered a speech that created such a feeling of disgust from fellow international world leaders and delegates that 23 of them walked out during his anti-Jewish, Israel-hating oration. That's right - a speech of that tone given at an anti-racism conference! The link to the story is available below:

Ahmaninejad has already stirred global outrage in the past for his support of the ridiculous belief that the WW2 Jewish Holocaust was a myth that didn't happen. And his hatred for the nation of Israel is well documented - he, himself is quite straight-forward when it comes to Israel - he'd wipe them off the face of this earth if given the chance. Strong invective from a 'leader' who is nothing more than a fanatical pariah to most other global nations and their leadership. Yet amongst his own people and other Islamic neighbours who support his hard-line views he is feted as a hero of high measure. 'An enlightened truth-teller' they say about him...And I guess from that certain point of view he is probably all that plus more.

Again, this white man respects the alternate views of many when it comes to the gamut of issues on the global stage. But the Iranian President? You've got to be kidding me! Any person, whether a world leader or 'Joe Blow' on the next street corner, who honestly believes that the systematic extermination of over 3 million Jews did not occur during the WW2 years is both naive and offensive. Much of history is open to interpretation but some basic facts remain undeniably fixed for all eternity. Auschwitz, Treblinka, Dachau were not figments of some horribly disturbed sadists imagination. They were real expressions of evil by a tyrannical dictatorship and 3 million very dead Jewish souls cannot lie. Any world leader who purports that the Holocaust was pure fiction does not deserve to have an audience to propogate such despicable views.

So this white man concurs with every world leader who turned their back and left the Iranian Presidents speech at the UN. That's what it deserved and Ahmaninejad should never be given the opportunity to insult the collective intellect of the United Nations and, by default, the whole world in any such forum ever again.

1 comment:

Razi Rizvi said...

23 world leaders walk away from listening the truth of Ahmadinehjad. While 192 world leader stayed back and applauded.
So which is the real International Community the world speaks about. 23 or 192.
The racists walked out.