Friday, September 12, 2008

One Way To Deal With Telemarketers!

This white man knows, as you do, that there is nothing more annoying than that dreaded phone call (always at dinner time) from some cheery individual masquerading as your best friend who then proceeds to try and sell you something. Telemarketers are a scourge upon our sanity and it seems there is nothing we can do about them. The previous Howard government introduced some system where you could be 'shielded' from Mumbai's pesty reach but still the calls sneakily intrude their way through to our lives. So are we completely helpless in the face of these irritating disturbances? Perhaps not! Listen to one intrepid and creative response to a telemarketer and learn how it is possible to completely turn the tables on these telephone vermin...

Thank you God for creative minds and rich sense of humours to boot!

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