Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Hand of God?

Even before Jesus turned up in a Kit Kat bar our Heavenly Father was inadvertently snapped whilst making some positional re-adjustments to some stars recently. The "Hand of God" image, taken and released by NASA, has many Christian believers all over the world leaping around in delight. For some of them, it is the vindication of their faith - their validation that God is actually the real deal.

This white man believes that anything is possible for the Creator of the universe and beyond and if God saw fit to re-arrange some of His most beautiful handiwork then who am I to argue? But more importantly, I don't need to see some deep space photo that claims to be irrefutable evidence of Divine dexterity in the outer cosmos. When I look up at the stars most nights (when the weather permits), I already see the glory of God sparkling in the heavens. To see the Milky Way galaxy melting across southern skies and the constellation of Orion with it's literal super-stars Rigel and Betelguese is enough evidence for me that their Creator is simply wonderful. Faith is deeper than interpretive photos from the edge of our galaxy...As the writer of Hebrews best said "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for."
Call this white man ancient but I also have to concur that my faith is far more focussed on what I do not see rather than what I see with my own eyes. Photographs are is forever!

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