Thursday, April 2, 2009

When Life Looks Ugly Through the Lens of a Bottle...

The other night this white man had a rare opportunity to hear from two sides of a recent nasty incident that involved current swimmer Nick D'Arcy and retired swimmer Simon Cowley. At 6:30PM on Channel Nine's "A Current Affair" Cowley gave his side of the nightclub incident that kleft him with bad facial and jaw fractures. Then later, at 8PM on ABC's "Australian Story" D'Arcy gave his insights on the assault. Incidently, D'Arcy was charged with causing grievous bodily harm and was recently found guilty and convicted for the assault on Cowley. In any case, it was a rare television quirk of syncronicity to have both sides present their case on national television on the same night.

After watching both men outline their views upon reflecting back on that fateful evening of celebrations that got out of hand, it seemed obvious that all were affected adversely in some way or another. Obviously, Cowley, being the victim of the assault by D'Arcy, has suffered greatly as a result of the attack. Physically and psychologically Cowley is still recovering from the attack on him. D'Arcy has also suffered for his momentary alcohol-fueled mind-snap on Cowley. He missed selection for the 2008 Beijing Olympics and now has a criminal record to live with, not to mention the indignity of having to carry the label "drunken lout" with him most likely for the rest of his public life.

And so this white man is reminded again of the devastating effect alcohol can have when misused. Young men, rational and sane in their normal selves suddenly turn feral once intoxicated. Peaceful, law-abiding citizens turning rabid with one-too-many drinks inside of them. I guess it says to me that perhaps something new needs to be done to re-educate today's youth of the dangers of excessive alcohol intake and particularly binge-drinking. They are just not getting it and they continue to be a menace to the community and even more, to themselves. Maybe the Salvos really have got it right all along in their zero tolerance abstinence stance on the 'demon drink'. When will the youth of today, and the other adult drinkers who should know better, learn?

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