Monday, June 13, 2011

From Boat Person to Bishop...

The name Nguyen Van Long would mean little to most Australians. Ask the typical bloke on the street who that person is and why they are notable and they're likely to tell you that he's the young Vietnamese drug smuggler who got hanged in Singapore and few years ago! Well actually Nguyen Van Long, otherwise known as Father Vincent is the newly appointed Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. In other words, this Vietnamese Catholic priest now holds the second-highest position in the Catholic church in the state of Victoria. An admirable appointment for a well-respected man of God who has come a long way since his arrival to Australia in 1980 as a refugee fleeing Viet Nam. And after serving the Church in various roles, even most recently in Rome, he will take up his new role shortly. Again, the appointment of Father Vincent to this high position in the Australian Catholic Church is a wonderful recognition of this man's influence in Australian society and also a source of pride and achievement for the Vietnamese community in Australia. He is certainly a great ambassador for the Vietnamese community and a most worthy representative of our great God.

What this white man really wants to also highlight are two things...First, I hope that this sagacious decision to appoint Father Vincent to his new position is not lost upon those politicians in high places who maintain their vigilant, yet I would contend fundamentally immoral stance that continually implores that Australia needs to "turn back the boats!" Because let's face the fact - if the fall of Saigon and the Communist take-over of Viet Nam happened in 2011 then the likes of Nguyen Van Long and other such real people would have to contend with more than just a leaky boat and South China Sea pirates to make it to the 'lucky country' we call Australia! They would have to overcome rancid Australian political agendas that waft of the disgraceful 'white Australia' policies of the last century. And they would also have to contend with an Australian population who, as recent opinion polls show, are growing more and more resistant to the welcoming of refugees and asylum seekers. It seems to me that the "turn back the boats" message is darkening the Australian psyche at present and, in my opinion, this is Australia's bare-naked shame. A blight on our nation as a developed country that prides itself on it's generosity and humanitarian heart - it's just a pity that our nation's conscience isn't so developed at this time. And so the sooner this shameful mantra of "turn back the boats" becomes a forgotten epitaph the better! Father Vincent Long Van Nguyen, a humble man of the cloth, demonstrates again the immeasurable worth that one refugee seeking a better life in Australia can add to the fabric of our community. May his elevation to his position in the Catholic church serve as a constant reminder of that worth and how we, as a nation are dreadfully culpable if we continue to deny the opportunities of the next generation of Nguyen Van Long's to make their mark on our society.

And finally my second observation, a more personal "sting in the tail" if you will... On Thursday 23 June 2011 an official Episcopal Ordination ceremony will be held for Father Vincent Long Van Nguyen in Melbourne. I am sure that this appointment will be celebrated and attended by many Vietnamese Catholics here in Melbourne and they will appropriately acknowledge with pride the significance of what this appointment means, both in real terms and symbolically for the Vietnamese community. And I am equally sure that the ordination ceremony will also see the heads of the prominant Vietnamese Buddhist communities of Victoria show their appreciation and acknowledgment, in the spirit of inter-faith dialogue and goodwill, for the appointment of Father Vincent. Moreover, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see the crimson and saffron robes of Vietnamese Buddhist temple representation present at that cathedral on 23 June. But I ask, no, I state this...will you see a representation of leadership from the various streams of Vietnamese Protestant churches based in Melbourne support the appointment of their brother in Christ Father Vincent to his position of Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiosese of Melbourne? Categorically, NO YOU WON'T! I can confidently state with good authority that pig's trotters would be seen in the clouds before you would see one pastor from VECA (Vietnamese Evangelical Church in Australia) attend that ordination ceremony in support of Father Vincent Long Van Nguyen. Believe me...I know.

In the church I once served that I know very well, inter-faith dialogue was non-existent and inter-church ecumenism nearly as rare. And as for the prevailing attitudes of Vietnamese Protestant Christians towards their Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ? Well generally speaking, those Catholics may as well be non-believing contagions as far as Vietnamese Evangelical Christians are concerned. Ask one of my friends, who, being from a Catholic background and having been baptised in the Catholic Church was "strongly discouraged" (denied the right) to partake of Holy Communion in the evangelical church. That of course could have been remedied if he chose to submit to a 'better baptism' in the Vietnamese Evangelical Church! Would the Vietnamese Protestant community feel proud of Father Vincent and his promotion within the Catholic Church? I doubt they even know about it and even if they did, I doubt they would even care. But then again, what does an insular-looking edifice really care about what happens outside of it's front gate? Even amongst their own community?!

So i repeat again, they (pastoral representation from the Vietnamese Evangelical Church in Australia) won't be there but this ex-Vietnamese church pastor will! And I challenge any fellow Vietnamese muc su (pastor) to prove me wrong. If this opinion piece infiltrates the Vietnamese Evangelical Church or any other Vietnamese Protestant denomination in regard to this matter then I will see you on Thursday 23 June so we can both offer our support and goodwill to our fellow brother in Christ Father Vincent Long Van Nguyen! I'll be saving a seat for you!

God bless you Father Vincent and may He continue to strengthen and uphold you in these exciting days as you continue to serve Him obediently.

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