Monday, February 2, 2009

At Last...

At the risk of seeming extremely selfish, this white man says YESSSSSSSS!! Today Kim and Luc returned to school and I returned to one of my best friends; R & R, regular routine. So today for me it was back to gym for a robust workout. complete with a near-vomit so it must have been good for me! And then off to a local sushi shop for a light lunch. And it was good!

I guess what it reminds me is how important routine really is to our lives. As I've said before, I cherish every moment I have to enjoy life with Kim and Luc. I love being a "house-dad" and having them dictate my schedule from time to time. But the month of January really begins to throw me out of a natural rhythm that I really need and largely live by for the other eleven months of the year. So today for me was a celebrated return to my life - nothing exciting at all really, but everything to this white man.

And by the way, the boys have their new classes this year with great new teachers. And they, similarly enjoyed their return to their school routine - well that's what they told me anyway?! Maybe they were sick of their nerve-frayed father and likewise, appreciate the break!

1 comment:

Oldie said...

That's right - make the most of any time with your young children. They grow up so quickly and almost too soon you become pretty redundant in their eyes!! Working two jobs e.g., watching the family on school holidays and also doing your church work is also good for you. Naturally your church work will now get fuller attention - hallelujah!!!