Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chicken Pox!

As I just indicated on that other social networking tool Facebook, this white man is now resigned to the fact that now his eldest son Kim has indeed caught chicken pox. My other son Luc is still recovering from his bout with the itchy little cursed spots and now his older brother has it all to look forward to! Given that, as a child, I never contracted this common childhood ailment then it also leaves me feeling slightly uneasy with the current situation. Fortunately, I had a vaccination a while back and my hope is that the vaccine does what it is supposed to do. Thus far the vaccine appears to have me protected but who knows what tomorrow will hold?! Can't say that the thought of contracting chicken pox is enthralling at all but, after all, worse things happen to people that a few lousy itchy spots on your skin for a couple of weeks.

I think the only person really feeling pretty smug about the whole chicken pox thing in our house is Luc. He had to endure it whilst it appeared that his brother had escaped the virus and Kim wasn't shy in letting Luc know that he was just about as unclean as a biblical leper! Now Luc has the opportunity to rub it back in his brother's face...and he will! Aahhh isn't life wonderful!

1 comment:

Oldie said...

Much more convenient if they had it together but things don't usually work like that. It too will pass!