Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Beware This Wolf!

First let me say this - this white man is usually disinclined to comment greatly on the claims (orthodox, heretical or otherwise) of other Christian leaders, pastors, preachers etc... because I believe strongly that all truth is revealed in time. The Jesus Christ I believe in espoused a "don't judge - no condemnation" policy that, in principle I choose to abide by. Yet occasionally even this white man is compelled to make an exception where he perceives that someone is so out of line with their teaching that they not only dupe thousands of believers with their brand of tripe but also make a mockery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church. And so, on that note, this white man has no hesitation in informing you of his opinion that Todd Bentley, centrepiece 'prophet' of the latest signs and wonders fad "the Florida Outpouring Revival" is a deluded, self-glorifying wolf in sheep's clothing! Rather than bother to introduce and describe this man and his ministry you can click on this link to get that background yourself: http://freshfire.ca/index.php?Id=101&pid=8&pid=103

And this white man will refrain from going into great reams of detail about Bentley's strange teachings and commonly accepted heresies. Again, you should just click on this link to view it for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqJaJzHdGaI

Again I say this - this white man is the last person to get hysterical about any nutter running around the church proclaiming this and that in Jesus' Name. Church charlatans like that receive enough publicity and over-exposure. That's what they crave - infamy, air-time and controversy... it's their oxygen, their life-blood. But believe me when I say this - Todd Bentley and his Lakeland Church and their 'revival' is pure poison. Stay away from it! He and his message are nothing more than a distraction from the true heart of worship, Jesus Christ. So Todd...you can take your angels, your angelic gold dust, your gems from heaven and your kung fu healing kicks and go lose yourself! Problem is...you're already lost...

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