Monday, September 8, 2008


This white man sees some inspirational things happen at his gym from time to time. For example, witnessing old folks, who for all intensive purposes could be shuffling off into nursing home oblivion, still fronting up and doing exercise classes. There's also a wheelchair-bound paraplegic young lady who comes in twice a week to do weights with her helper. But the most inspirational person I've met recently is a young pregnant woman who has maintained her exercise regime well into her ninth month. I saw her last Monday waddling away on a treadmill and later doing a very pregnant pilates class. And today she was back at the gym showing off her newborn child which must have been born only days ago. And so after passing her little one around a group of clucky instructors she then proceeded to hand off her baby to her partner. Following that she jumped straight back onto a treadmill for 10 minutes and then the cross-trainer for another 10! That's inspirational!

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