Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Such a Scandalous Truth!

This white man has been bemused at the recent ecumenical hysteria surrounding Dr Francis Macnab's recent proclamations about what the church must become and embrace to truly be a relevant church of the 21st century. Macnab, the presiding cleric of the Collins St Uniting Church in the heart of Melbourne believes, as many liberal theologians do, that the Protestant church needs some serious theological and practical revisioning. Rather than rehash all the details feel free to peruse this recent article from the Melbourne Age:

On a personal note, whilst driving yesterday on the freeway I saw the billboard causing so much consternation; "THE TEN Commandments, one of the most negative documents ever written." I must admit that at first glance the bold pronouncement did cause me to do a quick mental and spiritual double-take. Then this white man realised that, in his humble opinion, the statement within itself is completely true. The Law was negative and was designed to be negative so as to bring humanity to the end of themselves by realising that there was no possible way they could ever adhere to the full measure of the Law and thus achieve right standing with God through their own human effort. So for what it is worth I agree with Dr Macnab in his one-line judgment upon the Law of Moses. And therefore, all of us should thank God for His grace and the freedom of living under the NEW covenant!

"By calling this covenant "new," He has made the first one (law) obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear." Hebrews 8:13

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