Monday, July 21, 2008

My Ivory Tower?

This white man just recently noticed that his blog page design prominently features a tower-like structure on the top-left aspect of it's facade. Please pardon his obtuseness for not seeing this earlier. Nevertheless, it is intriguing that this white man's world blog should contain within it what appears to be an ivory tower. As it is often understood these days, one who lives in their ivory tower resides in a disconnected and, as usually perjoratively implied, a relatively useless place abounding in unsubstantial opinions detached from true reality. Now far be it for this white man to deny himself an occasional overnight stopover at "Hotel Ivory" but let us all pray that this would not become a fixed place of abode! For as my wise mother would often say to me in times past "if you don't have anything good or valuable to say then don't say anything!"

So for now silence is golden...even from an ivory tower!

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