Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome to This White Man's World!

Why? Because it seems that every other man and his dog vents their spleen, blows their trumpets or just finds verbosity in some way cathartic through blogs these days so why not I? So if you care (or dare) to peruse the varied, diverse and complex place that is this white man's world then good for you! Why name the blog 'This White Man's World' you ask? Because if you know me then you understand that the space I was pre-destined to occupy on God's green earth sees this white man actually living in a yellow man's world! And so it is only within the serene vacuum of cyberspace that I can re-discover and embrace my own 'white-ness' and rightfully bask in my own world for a bit. Don't worry - you'll get it as this blog develops. Enough said for now...enjoy and welcome to This White Man's World!


Oldie said...

Don't get too blue in your white man's world - the grass isn't always greener!

liesel said...

haha colin! hi 5 to being bloggers :) haha