Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chicken Pox!

As I just indicated on that other social networking tool Facebook, this white man is now resigned to the fact that now his eldest son Kim has indeed caught chicken pox. My other son Luc is still recovering from his bout with the itchy little cursed spots and now his older brother has it all to look forward to! Given that, as a child, I never contracted this common childhood ailment then it also leaves me feeling slightly uneasy with the current situation. Fortunately, I had a vaccination a while back and my hope is that the vaccine does what it is supposed to do. Thus far the vaccine appears to have me protected but who knows what tomorrow will hold?! Can't say that the thought of contracting chicken pox is enthralling at all but, after all, worse things happen to people that a few lousy itchy spots on your skin for a couple of weeks.

I think the only person really feeling pretty smug about the whole chicken pox thing in our house is Luc. He had to endure it whilst it appeared that his brother had escaped the virus and Kim wasn't shy in letting Luc know that he was just about as unclean as a biblical leper! Now Luc has the opportunity to rub it back in his brother's face...and he will! Aahhh isn't life wonderful!

Monday, March 30, 2009

An Interesting Take on Baptism...

After a torrential rainstorm filled all the potholes in the streets and alleys, a young mother watched her two little boys playing in the puddles through her kitchen window.

The older of the two, a five year old lad, grabbed his brother by the back of his head and shoved his face into the water hole. As the boy recovered and stood laughing and dripping, the mother runs to the yard in a panic.

'Why on earth did you do that to your little brother?!' she asks as she shook the older boy in anger.

'We were just playing 'church' mummy,' he said. 'And I was just baptizing him ... ... in the name of the Father, the Son and in ... the hole-he-goes!'

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturn's Rings

Tonight this white man went out with friends and did some really amazing star gazing. Got to see clear views of the Milky Way, Saturn's Rings, the two Magellenic cloud formations and all the main signature constellations. Beautiful clear skies, great location, amazing display! The heavens truly are an ever-present advertisement, a billboard if you like, of God's amazing creativity!

Friday, March 27, 2009

That's Life!

Yesterday this white man commented on the return to AFL football of Ben Cousins. The dream was alive, the fairytale come-back, the script was was there to be written. Then reality raised it's voice on the matter...Last night Richmond got thrashed by Carlton and Cousins himself, tore his hamstring and will probably miss the next 4-6 weeks of action. As they say, that's life!

All too often when fairytales promise to materialise into reality, they just as quickly disappear into the ether of dreams. Who knows what will happen now with Cousins and his re-born football career? Perhaps he'll recover from this latest setback and the jungle drums will again start to beat out another comeback rhythm. Maybe he'll decide that it just isn't worth all the effort and bow out for good? Who knows? Life is remarkable in how it randomly shifts people on courses that no-one could possibly expect. Reminds this white man of that timeless quote from Forrest Gump that goes something like "life is like a box of chocolates...you just never know what you're going to get".

Well last night Carlton took home the chocolates and Cousins took home a good dose of reality!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

It All Begins Again...

It has finally arrived...that moment every year when Melbourne seems to lift in intensity and shift into a higher gear. AFL football begins again for 2009 tonight as Carlton face-off against traditional rival Richmond. And again, outside of the field of contest there is a greater story of significance, for this game heralds the return of Ben Cousins. Cousins, the formerly disgraced West Coast Eagles champion who has battled his own personal substance abuse issues makes his long-awaited return to the sport that defined him. All eyes will be upon Ben Cousins tonight - eyes of scepticism, eyes of admiration, eyes of judgment and eyes of hope. This white man hopes that, far beyond the result of this one game, that the ultimate outcome will be positive for Cousins in the long-run of his life. Giving a bloke a second-chance is supposedly an Aussie credo that we are all encouraged to embrace - let's hope football watchers do just that and enjoy the fact that Ben Cousins is in a better place in life and we all hope he stays there!

By the way, tomorrow night my beloved Hawthorn Hawks begin their 2009 season with a Grand Final rematch with the Cats. The majority of pundits have already scripted another Geelong domination this year but as Hawthorn proved in last year's final, anyone can win on the day! "Carn the Hawks!"

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Judge Judged...

This white man has followed with interest the case of retired Federal Court judge Marcus Einfeld and his legal proceedings as a result of trying to avoid a $77.00 speeding fine. He lied to the courts in his attempt to wrangle his way out of the fine and ended up with a perjury charge. The end result - a two year custodial prison sentence and the ignomy of being the first Australian judge, retired or serving, to be sentenced to a jail term. In effect, the judge got judged!

Honestly, I find this case of the 69 year-old former judge extremely sad. I find it sad that someone who practiced, interpreted and deliberated law as his day-to-day livelihood would honestly believe that he was above the same law he served. And all for the sake of $77.00! With the retirement package Einfeld is on he could have paid that fine with the spare change floating around in his pocket. That's another point of incredulous sadness in this story - why would he bother to dodge it? Why couldn't he just face the consequences of his actions like most of the rest of society does when they receive traffic infringements? It seems that he really did think he could just manouvere around the law as he wished, even by doing so illegally through what started as a small lie that just grew to inane proportions.

And this white man heard today of a plea by the judge to be treated with clemency accompanied by an apology for what he had done. My suspicion is that the judge perhaps isn't so much sorry in his heart for what he did but perhaps just sorry that he got caught for it! What an irony...the law-giver seeking grace. And at the risk of appearing contradictory and maybe even hypocritical as I, myself am a great advocator of increased grace in a dis-graceful world, I say that Marcus Einfeld should serve every nanosecond of his sentence in jail! I say that because, from a faith view-point I, as a pastor, take on board with the full knowledge and responsibility that I will be judged in my actions at heaven's judgment seat more stringently in matters of faith because I serve as a practitioner of faith. He too, as a long-serving practitioner of law should receive the harshest measure of the law and it be implemented to its full extent.

Therefore may Marcus Einfeld's sorry situation serve as a reminder to everyone that no-one is above the laws of the land. More importantly, may his example cause us all to reflect personally on our own integrity. May we all be honest and sincere in critically appraising the decisions we make and how upright are in how we conduct ourselves in our lives.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Say Cheese...and Get Wet!

Why? This white man does not know?!

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Great Friday Funny!

The elderly priest, speaking to the younger priest, said, 'You had a good idea to replace the first four pews with plush bucket theater seats. It worked like a charm. The front of the church always fills first now.
'The young priest nodded, and the old priest continued,
'And you told me adding a little more beat to the music would bring young people back to church, so I supported you when you brought inthat rock 'n roll gospel choir. Now our services are consistently packed to the balcony.

''Thank you, Father,' answered the young priest. 'I am pleased that you are open to the new ideas of youth.'
'All of these ideas have been well and good,' said the elderly priest, 'But I'm afraid you've gone too far with the drive-thru confessional.'
'But Father,' protested the young priest, 'my confessions and the donations have nearly doubled since I began that!''
Yes,' replied the elderly priest, 'and I appreciate that.... But the sign outside, 'Toot 'n Tell or Go to Hell' cannot stay!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is Anything Sacred Anymore?

Along with other like-minded members of the community, this white man was also depressed to learn that the TAB have decided to open their betting agencies on Good Friday. I mean their decision to do this isn't a surprise in many ways - why should the TAB feel compelled to honour a sacred day that in effect is meaningless to their gaming/business interests? Christians today have to face the fact that our society is growing more secular and days like Good Friday and Christmas Day will eventually succumb to the commercial interests of businesses, traders and gaming agencies. I'm realistic to know this and it'll happen whether I like it or not. By the way, that's not a defeatist attitude, just a biblical belief based on 2 Timothy 3:2. If God's Word points out that this world will head down a totally secular pathway then who am I to argue - even more so when I see it happening before my own eyes in my own society.

I guess my only gripe to the TAB and other commercially motivated businesses who are sure to jump on this Good Friday liberal bandwagon is this...is it just even a little bit possible that the time-honoured cultural and spiritual foundations of our nation could be acknowledged once in a while? It's not like Australians are forced to slavishly bow their collective knees on every single occasion of Christian significance during the year. Good Friday and Christmas Day are only two days out of 365. It isn't too much to hold onto some traditional values in our community and respect them accordingly is it? The least the TAB should do, as other commentators have rightfully suggested, is donate a healthy percentage of their gaming intake on Good Friday to the Royal Childrens Hospital as a gesture of generosity. Maybe, at least then, the community might feel that something positive can come from the rubble of our society's eroding values and traditions.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Please Explain...

This white man doesn't care about apparent raunchy photos of Pauline Hanson that have emerged so conveniently after 30 years of collecting dust. I only wish that the rest of the majority of Australians didn't care so they would not waste their hard-earned money on gutter-trash newspapers that scream sensationalist headlines. My gripe isn't necessarily against Pauline either - if the photos that purport to be her really ARE her then so what. She deserves as little air time as possible and all this latest controversy is just another grubby chapter in the life of the most infamous fish and chip shop owner in contemporary Australian history. All I would say is this...

For the plummeting moral and editorial standards of the Australian media who now find it necessary to report increasingly more salacious and inane stories designed only to titilate the intellectually brain-dead in Australian society, this white man simply asks...PLEASE EXPLAIN?!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


This white man knows that a key component in a succesful advertisement, especially on television or radio is the annoyance factor. Radio-wise, if there is a more excruciatingly annoying ad than the helium-infused squeaky voiced clown singing "the blind factory, the blind factory etc..." then I haven't heard it. But TV-wise, the ad that is absolutely driving me up the proverbial wall presently is the new Medownick commercial for laser eye treatment. It's the ad with the 'dancing eyes' lady who shifts her eyes around whilst shrugging her shoulders to some cheesy pop song. I don't know if it's the woman's smug smile that annoys me the most, or perhaps the music or probably a combination of all of it. But it's a nerve-grater for sure and this white man is not alone in his disdain for this ad.

Already Facebook has an established group of devoted haters of this particular commercial with their own forum of spite vengefully poured out with total wrath upon the 'dancing eyes lady'. Of course there's a lot of nonsense and over-the-top commentary towards the ad but one forum member made a very good point - how will the 'dancing eyes lady' ever walk down a public street again without being heckled and imitated? Talk about a cross to bear. Ironically, she'll probably have to wear sunglasses everywhere she goes just to prevent being constantly recognised and mocked!

And of course the delicious irony for the advertising executives and probably for Medownick themselves is that whilst everybody is absolutely hating their contribution to commercial television, they are reaping the benefits of their irritating offering. An annoying ad often makes for an effective ad. It's enough to make you raise your eyebrows and maybe even do an eye dance?! By the way...how does one's eyes actually dance? What a nonsense...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Funny photo...and caption...

"After flipping his hydrofoil, Jesus quickly leaves the scene before his Father finds out ......"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back Blogging!

This white man is back after a two-day sojourn from his blog world. Last weekend was a relaxing time spent at Anglesea with my church family at the Lutheran-run Araluen Camp. The youth particularly enjoyed the experience of participating in activities with the older generation. They don't often have the opportunity to do this in church so this was valuable in it's own right. And there was just a really positive united feeling within the camp with young and old together. And this strong united generational vibe prompted this white man to pen a short poem whilst overlooking the south-west Victorian coastline;

Long town walk, paddling boats
Old and young are side by side
Volleyball, sand and fun
Young and old with no divide
Warm words shared, unity
Old and young together
One in Christ, one family
Hands held, smooth on weathered

Legacy and future days
Old and young have blessing
Hopeful prayers are prayed in faith
Gratitude expressing
Precious time in Anglesea
Young and old together
Spirit breathing care and love
Hands held, smooth on weathered.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Off To Camp...

This Labour Day long weekend this white man is off on a family church camp in Anglesea. Will return to this blog on Monday with some thoughts from the weekend.


Friday, March 6, 2009

I Feel The Earth Move...

Well actually this white man didn't! Apparently around 9PM tonight there was an earth tremor, originating from Gippsland and affecting much of the eastern side of Melbourne. At 4.6 on the Richter scale the tremor unnerved many but damaged little to nothing. As for me in the outer north-west - didn't feel a thing! Poor old Victorians can't take a trick this summer. Dry spell with no rain leading up to the worst disaster in our history, Black Saturday and now an earth tremor. What next...a tsunami? A cyclone perhaps? Seriously, isn't it wonderfully grounding to feel how small we are in comparison to the violent, indiscriminate power of the natural world. It's good to be reminded of this from time to time. Just when we, the race called human think we have everything under control God reminds us who really is boss!

On another note, this white man began a four week space odyssey with my Bible Study group at Melbourne Scienceworks. Last night we attended the first session of a four-week astronomy course named "Discover the Night Sky". Again, it was awesome to be reminded again how small we really are. Our God is a beautifully creative God - a God of aesthetics, a God of immaculate style and taste, a God of the details, a God who knows my name and loves me despite my flaws. Just a indescribable God who is immensely big while I feel humbled to be very, very small!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Classic Quip...

Out of deference to my mother, a 'senior' in her own right, this white man shares with you this vintage piece of humourous wit that also contains a good dose of truth as well!

Apparently, a self-important college freshman attending a recent football game took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.

'You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one' the student said, loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. 'The Young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon. Our space probes have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy, ships and electric and hydrogen cars, cell phones. Computers with light-speed processing... And more.'

After a brief silence the senior citizen responded as follows:

'You're right, son. We didn't have those things when we were young ... so we invented them. Now, you arrogant little sh#*, what are you doing for the next generation?'

The applause was amazing!

By the way, my mother, in her eighth decade, forwarded this to me via email. Her computer proficiency connects her across generations, much to her son's admiration!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

North Wind Woe...

Squinting, blinking, dry eyes seeing
Dirty dust storm, dead bush fleeing
Sun shine hazy, red sky haunting
Gale wind blowing, hell's mouth taunting

Smoke-filled air spews vengeance bringing
Heat-filled, dry and throats are stinging
Gusts of gall still blast uncaring
Stirring fires the flames re-flaring

Hades summer, pain not finished
Heat and wind breathe undiminished
Pray for rain and calm winds too
Then autumn bring a season new...

Monday, March 2, 2009

An Ugly Spirit Emerges...

We've all been touched, deeply moved in fact, by the spirit of generosity expressed by Australians in response to the Victorian bushfire disaster, now referred to, infamously as "Black Saturday". The amount of money, material aid and other assistance given to survivors of this tragedy has been inspirational - it has restored a level of hope in our community's ability to take care of itself, especially it's hurting and vulnerable. But I guess it was only a matter of time before the shadow-side of people's hearts was revealed. And an ugly shadow-side it is...

This white man listened today to two former home-owners who shared a common bond - they both lost their homes in the bushfires. But their circumstances are quite different. And yet somewhere in the midst of commonly shared suffering and loss, resentment and selfishness emerged. You see one man's house was insured and the other man's house wasn't. And all it took was the issue of the intended allocation of cash relief to re-build their houses to light a spark of anger, particularly from the insured guy towards the uninsured guy. The issue was this - higher levels of financial assistance are being contemplated for uninsured former home owners who have lost everything. Yet some insured home owners, such as this aggrieved man in question, resent this as they feel that the uninsured shouldn't receive special dispensation as it was "their own fault" for not being insured.

Everybody knows that currently the economy is struggling. And when the economy struggles, people struggle with it. When the purse strings get tighter, people naturally focus on covering the essential expenses like food, utility bills, car etc... Unfortunately, one of the first things that gets pushed to the side as a perceived lesser immediate need is insurance. I mean let's face it - insurance itself is a little like gambling - you are outlaying money on the chance that something might happen to that which you are insuring. And many people in recent times just haven't had that excess money to outlay. Hence, larger numbers of uninsured people who have let go their home insurance policies; uninsured people who lost more than their homes in the fires - they also lost their hope for material restitution.

Which brings this white man back to the ugly spirit that is emerging - a kind of shadowy jealous resentment from some towards those who really do need more assistance than them. Where is the charity in spirit from people such as these towards the needy? Does the example of community generosity to all the affected mean anything? All this white man can resign himself to believing is that no matter what happens in God's universe people will always just be people; inheritently fallen in nature and self-absorbedly selfish. When will people learn to look outside of themselves for once? When will selfless grace prevail? Maybe the more appropriate question should be this - when is Jesus coming back?!