Monday, March 16, 2009

Please Explain...

This white man doesn't care about apparent raunchy photos of Pauline Hanson that have emerged so conveniently after 30 years of collecting dust. I only wish that the rest of the majority of Australians didn't care so they would not waste their hard-earned money on gutter-trash newspapers that scream sensationalist headlines. My gripe isn't necessarily against Pauline either - if the photos that purport to be her really ARE her then so what. She deserves as little air time as possible and all this latest controversy is just another grubby chapter in the life of the most infamous fish and chip shop owner in contemporary Australian history. All I would say is this...

For the plummeting moral and editorial standards of the Australian media who now find it necessary to report increasingly more salacious and inane stories designed only to titilate the intellectually brain-dead in Australian society, this white man simply asks...PLEASE EXPLAIN?!

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