Friday, March 27, 2009

That's Life!

Yesterday this white man commented on the return to AFL football of Ben Cousins. The dream was alive, the fairytale come-back, the script was was there to be written. Then reality raised it's voice on the matter...Last night Richmond got thrashed by Carlton and Cousins himself, tore his hamstring and will probably miss the next 4-6 weeks of action. As they say, that's life!

All too often when fairytales promise to materialise into reality, they just as quickly disappear into the ether of dreams. Who knows what will happen now with Cousins and his re-born football career? Perhaps he'll recover from this latest setback and the jungle drums will again start to beat out another comeback rhythm. Maybe he'll decide that it just isn't worth all the effort and bow out for good? Who knows? Life is remarkable in how it randomly shifts people on courses that no-one could possibly expect. Reminds this white man of that timeless quote from Forrest Gump that goes something like "life is like a box of just never know what you're going to get".

Well last night Carlton took home the chocolates and Cousins took home a good dose of reality!

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