Friday, March 6, 2009

I Feel The Earth Move...

Well actually this white man didn't! Apparently around 9PM tonight there was an earth tremor, originating from Gippsland and affecting much of the eastern side of Melbourne. At 4.6 on the Richter scale the tremor unnerved many but damaged little to nothing. As for me in the outer north-west - didn't feel a thing! Poor old Victorians can't take a trick this summer. Dry spell with no rain leading up to the worst disaster in our history, Black Saturday and now an earth tremor. What next...a tsunami? A cyclone perhaps? Seriously, isn't it wonderfully grounding to feel how small we are in comparison to the violent, indiscriminate power of the natural world. It's good to be reminded of this from time to time. Just when we, the race called human think we have everything under control God reminds us who really is boss!

On another note, this white man began a four week space odyssey with my Bible Study group at Melbourne Scienceworks. Last night we attended the first session of a four-week astronomy course named "Discover the Night Sky". Again, it was awesome to be reminded again how small we really are. Our God is a beautifully creative God - a God of aesthetics, a God of immaculate style and taste, a God of the details, a God who knows my name and loves me despite my flaws. Just a indescribable God who is immensely big while I feel humbled to be very, very small!

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