Saturday, August 16, 2008

Crazy Kidz World!

If you ever want to see the purest example of boyish adrenaline totally out of control then you must go to Kidz World or an equivalent thereof. These indoor playground heavens for children host a plethora of manic kids who give new meaning to the term 'out of control'! Today this white man took his two boys to a schoolfriend's party at Kidz World in Keilor and it really was just a case of sit back and watch all hell break loose. There were terrors on two legs running everywhere. There were monsters sliding around on mats taking all in their path and petulant pests demanding their child rights when not getting their way. One kid I saw was so wound up by the sheer amount of play equipment choices he had he literally turned himself inside out with his brain telling him to go this way but his legs going the other! Kids everywhere climbing over each other obsessively trying to get to the top of slides first, other kids flap-jacking themselves like contortionists bouncing around the inflatable castle and the inevitable regular procession of teary little soldiers nursing their wounds whilst looking for mum. Absolute mayhem - a cacophony of unrestrained noise and, above all, lots of kids having the time of their lives without a care in the world! Just how things ought to be!

Sometimes I wish I was young again...

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