Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bigfoot = Bigfraud!

It promised to be the biggest revelation yet in the known animal world. Or as the NY Times best screamed out the headline: BIGFOOT'S BODY HAS BEEN FOUND! This was according to two Georgia men who, with much media fanfare, showed reporters three blurry photos said to depict the creature at a press conference held at a hotel a few miles from Stanford University. News of the find spread world-wide, fueled by a photograph of a hairy heap, bearing a close resemblance to a shaggy full-body gorilla costume, stuffed into a container resembling a refrigerator. And yet whilst this supposed natural discovery of biblical proportions caused many to salivate in expectation, once more the world was given a predictable dose of reality. Results from tests on genetic material from the alleged remains of the mythical half-ape and half-human creature failed to prove its existence. One of the two samples of DNA said to prove the existence of the Bigfoot came from a human and the other was 96 percent from an opossum, according to Curt Nelson, a scientist at the University of Minnesota who performed the DNA analysis.

And so the legendary Bigfoot eludes us again, scurrying back into the dense forests of imagination, out of sight but not out of the minds of the remaining believers who stubbornly hold onto their myth. So what's next - an "Abominable Snowman" (yeti) that'll prove to be a bunch of whale blubber in a polar bear outfit?! Maybe the "Loch Ness Monster" will re-appear in the highlands of Scotland? I hear the Tasmanian Tiger has been spotted again prowling the slopes of Cradle Mountain! Truly the only thing rarer than even these possibilities has to be the TRUTH!

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