Monday, August 4, 2008

Eating Ethiopian...

Today this white man had the opportunity to have lunch with a close church colleague in Footscray. So what better to eat in Footscray than Ethiopian! Yes Ethiopian! Those of you who know the inner-western suburbs of Melbourne, particularly Footscray, know that the cultural demographic face of this area is changing. Once Footscray was the domain of the mid- 20th century Mediterranean wave of immigrants. By the end of the 20th century however Footscray had been 'asianised' by floods of post-war Vietnamese refugees escaping the horrors of their homeland. All the Greeks, Italians and other southern Europeans were pushed into the outer western suburbs. Now, at the commencement of the 21st century, history is repeating itself again! Footscray is rapidly becoming predominantly home to the Horn of Africa community with Ethiopian, Somali, Sudanese and Eritrean peoples assuming prominence. And just as they dispersed the European migrants years ago, now the Vietnamese community is being pushed further out into the greater western suburbs! And that's why getting an Ethiopian meal in Footscray nowadays is no big deal. But the meal itself? Something special...

Think of a rich spicy hot stew-like curry beef served on spongy-fluffy yet slightly sour Ethiopian injera bread and that's your staple Ethiopian fare. The curried stew, known as "wat" tastes superb, well that is if you like your stew fiery with a kick that lasts the distance! The injera bread compliments the spice of the stewed meat and fills your stomach very nicely indeed. But the best part of eating Ethiopian style is the cutlery. Well, actually there is no cutlery and that is the highlight - it's eat with your fingers or go hungry! Eating with your fingers is a delicate art that needs to be experienced to be appreciated. Whilst it may appear at first to be grossly unsavoury, nothing could be further from the truth. There is a real culinary intimacy in getting your fingers and hands dirty in your food. Perhaps it's an infantile regressive security/comfort type of thing. Maybe the squishy food just feels fun in your fingers. Whatever it is, this white man thoroughly recommends the digitally defined delectable delicacy that is Ethiopian cuisine! Two 'dirty' thumbs up!


NitNav said...

"digitally defined delectable delicacy"

Astoundingly advanced appreciable alliteration!

shraaa said...

Tin.. and PS Colin.. your wordings astound me. Even now, I'm struggling to write whatever I'm meant to be writing. Haha.

I remember you took us to eat there.. Yup. I didn't eat. Want to go eat sometime again? As a youth bonding session! :D