Monday, August 11, 2008


This white man has been called a few things in his time. Some words complimentary, others not! But until yesterday he had never been accused of being a cross-dresser! The story actually begins two weeks ago when this white man was invited to preach at Reservoir Baptist church. Following my message I had to leave promptly to get back to Melbourne church for our usual Velocity service. And in the midst of my rush to leave I inadvertantly left my large knee-length overcoat at Reservoir. No problem at all as I organised with the Reservoir youth leader to retrieve my overcoat and return it to me later. And since then I hadn't even really thought much about it. Until yesterday, when the youth Sunday morning prayer meeting was interrupted by my fellow church colleague, old Pastor Ngoc. He strode purposefully into the room of youthful prayer and proudly proclaimed to the room "Muc Su (Vietnamese for pastor) Colin - here is your blouse!" "Ahhh yes, my blouse" I replied in surprise. Thankfully the dozen or so youth witness to this public 'outing' refrained from both mirth and comment until blessed old Pastor Ngoc departed the room. What happened next was predictable - explosive laughter, snide comments and general pandemonium. Funny thing is, I still don't know how old Pastor Ngoc managed to get his hands on my overcoat. Definitely a mystery that's well worth remaining a mystery!

Truly a moment where things somewhere just got "lost in translation".

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