Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Amazing Buddha Boy!

This white man was bemused to learn of the emergence of the Nepalese young man dubbed 'Buddha Boy'. His story can be accessed by clicking on the link below:,25197,24645114-2703,00.html

Honestly, I've seen first-hand Buddhist and Hindu religious fervour in Nepal and India. And even a story like this doesn't surprise me in the least. Because at the end of the day, some people will just believe what they want to believe. Don't think for a moment Christianity is exempt from such fanatical hysteria. I can clearly remember the sad case of a young 10 year-old American boy named Shaun Walters. His father basically would take Shaun around churches and put him up to preach as your stereotypical hellfire and brimstone tele-evangelist! Even gave the boy the title of pastor! Around 8-9 years after the original expose, a follow-up documentary of Shaun Walters revealed him as a socially retarded and mentally disturbed young man with major issues in his life. Wonder what will end up of the Buddha Boy?

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