Friday, November 21, 2008

The Most Important Question I Ever Asked God...

In the midst of walking through shadow-filled dark valleys in life this white man knows that the irrepressible question that usually pours out of our souls is "WHY?". It is a necessary question appropriate for that stage of our journey through suffering as aligned with our faith and relationship with our Creator God. Yet I believe that there is a further place along that journey where the question must change if we are to ultimately move on into the green pastures and still waters of the soul. It is the location where reflective wisdom is gained, the oasis of new perspective if you will. That is the place where I can confidently cry out to God from the deepest ravines of any valley "WHY NOT?!" When those two words can finally penetrate through the heavy pressure of your pain then surely peace comes - the kind of peace Jesus spoke of; peace not of this world, peace that this world cannot understand. And there tranquility reigns...

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