Saturday, November 8, 2008

Knowledge is power?

It was Sir Francis Bacon, the English philosopher and statesman who famously quoted the popular saying "knowledge is power!" That statement can be understood in many ways but one way in which some people live out what they believe to be the essence of this notion goes something along the lines of "the more I know, the more powerful I become..." And that is why some unfortunate individuals in this world carry a self-harnessed cross because they are constantly anxious and even paranoid to know everything that is going on around them. Their equation is simple - to know means to control, or at the very least attempt to control. They are the troubleshooters in life who troubleshoot problems before they are even problems! They have no concept of feeling content not knowing about matters that are not their concern - for everything is their concern! This white man feels desperately sorry for people like that - especially in church circles. The only person I can recall who could ever adequately handle omniscience was Jesus Christ Himself! And He truly was the exception! As for me...well I fall back into the comfort of that other famous quote - "ignorance is bliss!"

1 comment:

Oldie said...

We are all weird and wonderfully made! Good thing we are not all the same. We have our individual good points, and bad. People who can nip 'trouble' in the bud, before it starts, are very useful in a lot of situations. Why have strife if we can avoid it? Learn to appreciate people for what they are.