Monday, November 10, 2008

The Final Solution?

This white man duly noted with regret the recent executions of the three men infamously known to Australians as "the Bali Bombers". These three men, Imam Samudra, Muklas and Amrozi received exactly what they desired - martyrdom for their flawed insidious cause. Not surprisingly, most Australian families affected by the 2002 Sari Club atrocity indicated relief at the executions but few said that it really changed anything or provided any real sense of closure for them. They will always be without the loved ones who were callously taken from them that fateful night.

Let it be said from the outset - this white man vehemently opposes capital punishment. And the case of the Bali Bombers is no different. The simple fact is this - for those three misguided individuals death was not a punishment, it was their reward. Their executions will not be a deterrent to other deluded bloodthirsty zealots of the same terrorist cause - it will be an inspiration...something worth emulating to receive their due "reward" in Allah's paradise with a "harem-full of virgins" etc... So why execute these depraved three men? Surely if the Indonesian judicial system truly wanted to punish them then they would have denied them their wish of a glorious martyrdom.

Well I know that many will share an alternate opinion and say with an arguable amount of truth that the Bali Bombers got what they deserved. All this white man would say is that justice isn't so black and white. A Jewish peasant man proved that on one ground-shaking day when stones fell upon the earth as a broken woman cried for her life...and she lived. No justice isn't black and white but grace is all-consuming...

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