Monday, November 24, 2008

Sore Losers & Total Stupidity!

If my previous blog entry didn't highlight clearly why Australia didn't deserve to win the Rugby League World Cup then just click on these two links to know exactly why this national side and those associated with it are a disgrace!

Enough said!

On another note, at my gym today, again I was left astounded! This time for negative reasons unfortunately. After finishing my shower and getting changed in the mens change room another father came in with his child after swimming. He went off into the shower area leaving his child, who was getting changed, unattended. This was bad enough on it's own merit. What was even more ridiculous was the fact that his child turned out to be his daughter, probably 6-7 years of age. What kind of parent leaves their young girl in the middle of a men's change room with a dozen or so naked males?! Surely all parents understand that the world today is sickeningly full of all manner of depravity and to leave your kids vulnerable is unforgivable? This white man thought he'd seen it all at his gym...he was wrong!

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