Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ballistic... (part 2)

Wow! Swimming must really bring out the worst in some parents. Today this white man was back at the pool and, would you believe it, another manic mum took her turn on the stage of theatrical hysterics! This time it was a barrage of abuse directed towards a young hapless swim instructor who, in this mums opinion, was 'pushing' her fragile flower-petal of a son just too hard. Her flip-out at Flippers ended on this momentous finale; "You're gonna goddam drown him you b......(just think illegitimate child)!" Whether her boy will return to swimming tomorrow is debatable. One thing's for sure...they won't be rolling out the red carpet for her!

And just in case you're wondering - the kid wasn't being pushed too hard at all. He was treated no differently from any other kid in his group. And by the way, the other boy from Monday's melt-down has been re-assigned to the rightful group according to his ability. Justice prevails... One and a half more weeks of swimming - will the mums of Mackellar cope? And what will tomorrow bring? My suggestion is that they ban all parents from being able to attend at all...for the kid's sake most of all!

1 comment:

Oldie said...

When I took my children to swimming lessons it was quite uneventful! Life in your area must be quite colourful.