Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Poor 'Cousins' No More...

Ben Cousins is back in town, well football-wise anyway! After a much publicised exile from AFL action during which Cousins has been sorting out his life and battling drug addiction, today came the news that the Richmond Football Club have thrown the beleaguered Brownlow Medallist a career lifeline. Picked up today in a pre-season draft for 2009, Ben Cousins has literally been offered a Christmas gift...a last chance to excel in the game that made him a superstar. And this white man is very happy about it!

One can get philosophical, even judgmental about what road Cousins took himself down in relation to his substance abuse issues. But the truth is this - giving someone, who has messed things up, a second chance is the Australian way. It's the attitude personified within the ethos of a 'fair go". But even more than any Aussie stereotype, it is simply and universally just the right thing to do. Everyone deserves a second-chance - even when it seems that they are undeserving. That's not a personally derived opinion but rather what I see as being the example of grace that Christ lived out for us to follow. How easy is it to become adept at stone throwing in pursuing our own self-appointed zealous ideas for what we think is right. Such is life...In any case well done Richmond Football Club for having the courage of your convictions in giving Ben Cousins a fair go!

1 comment:

Oldie said...

I'm not a football fan but I am really pleased this young man has been given this opportunity. Had he not been given a chance I fear what might have happened to him.