Monday, December 15, 2008

If The Shoe Fits, WEAR IT!

This white man often just shakes his head at the delicious ironies that life regularly serves up. One such moment has to be seen in the actions of an Iraqi journalist who, in his own moment of rage, did what any insulted Iraqi would do to express the fullness of his disdain. The target of his outburst: President George W Bush...The means of his attack: his two shoes which flew past the President's head as he dodged and weaved as only politicians can! And then the ultimate Arab insult to any person - "YOU DOG!"

What a moment of inspired hilarity! The final moment this bellicose poor excuse for a world leader will be remembered for, on the very soil of arguably his greatest failure, Iraq, is a size 8 dirty sandal whizzing past his furried brow! This white man says, if the shoe fits then WEAR IT Mr Bush!
For a detailed account of the incident click on the link

1 comment:

Oldie said...

Truly an "hysterical" and "historical" moment - in history for sure!