Friday, December 19, 2008

Everything Is Spiritual!

Recently a young person mentioned to this white man that they couldn't understand why I didn't put more 'spiritual' stuff on this blog. I think they made an assumption that I, as their pastor, should feel a moral, or at least 'spiritual' obligation to give more attention to all things 'spiritual'. Maybe I could be feeding a perception that I am unspiritual and too focused on the real world of worldly affairs.

Yet I would contend this - never once during the entire ministry of Jesus Christ did He ever mention 'spiritual life' as opposed from just life itself. In fact, in the Hebrew Bible and language there is no distinct word for 'spiritual'. And so, as Christian commentator Rob Bell points out really well, I too believe that everything is spiritual. So if you happen to arrive here at this white man's blog and ask the question why this pastor doesn't have a plethora of biblical reflections and theological musings then now you know! If you want that stuff there are plenty of other blogs around to feed your 'spiritual life'!

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