Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Lights Craziness!

Every year at Christmas time this white man continues to be astonished at the superhuman efforts put into decorating the facades of houses and gardens everywhere with thousands of colourful lights and various ornaments. These displays can range from the fantastic to the forgettable but there has to be one constant - the expense. So pardon me for invoking the un-Christmas spirit of Scrooge for a moment but aren't we supposed to be conserving our energy output at present? Has global warming now been put to rest in lieu of the federal election being all but a distant memory? Have all those 'black balloons' flying out of our TV sets suddenly been forgotten in light of some twinkling christmas indulgences? Then again, we are all being encouraged to spend our pennys at present to revitalise a teetering recession-bound economy. Perhaps we all should spend our handouts on Christmas lights and life-sized robotic Santas because Kevin told us so! But save a little of your war-chest for your new year's electricity bill - what a pity they don't share the same Christmas spirit!

Call this white man old-fashioned but if I'm correct all it took on one dark celestial night some 2000 years ago was one star to shine a light and make a way for a dark world for all eternity. But then again, if Edison had of showed up a little earlier then I'm sure there would have been some garish flickering cycle of lights around the windows and eaves of that Bethlehem stable! In any case, let's just remember who the true Light of Christmas really is...

And by the way, this picture could well accurately depict the white man's christmas light effort this year!

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Oldie said...

But don't they look lovely? - hang the expense!!!!