Saturday, August 2, 2008


Since the inception of the white man's world a few self-professed commentator's have personally made mention of the white man's apparent effeminacy. Through some of the blog entries, some have 'discerned' a whitish soft streak, even labelling the white man a "Sensitive New Age Guy" of unimaginable proportions. One even dared to accuse the white man of deliberately pandering to female sensitivities in an attempt to portray himself as something he's really not! Well, then...who really is the white man you ask?

The white man is balanced, that's who he is! He knows who he is and is at peace with his consistencies, his contradictions and the One who created him! Actually if he was that much together then he wouldn't really need to be writing about it in this blog would he now! So he's self-depreciating too! Seriously, it does show me how as I get older life seems to round off the jagged edges of extremes I used to have. For in my youth I could never have been accused of being a S.N.A.G - the love of heavy metal, professional wrestling, tattoos and basically anything rebelliously obnoxious forever boxed this white man into a corner of absolutes. Yet as my life has meandered along the God-given path it has taken, it is amazing how all the entrapments of my self-induced personality confinement have fallen away. That why today this white man can, and still does, love heavy metal....Yet he also embraces the serenity of soothing chamber strains of a Baroque sonata. He still loves high contact sports like rugby and still enjoys the brutality of WWE wrestling, especially cage matches where blood is guaranteed to flow! Why? Because he knows that life is stressful and he needs these 'release valves' to stay sane! But he also now loves tending to his 'internet' garden, planting all kinds of plants and flowers. And yes, he knows that his real garden would love the same amount of attention! The point is this - a well-balanced individual knows their inner needs and embraces an appropriate balance in their inner masculinity and femininity. That makes a well-rounded person; a person who recognises their 'shadow-self' and makes room for them to live and breathe alongside them in life. That's who this white man wants to be because it's who he believes his Maker created him to be! Well-rounded, honest, complete...did someone say Christ-like?

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