Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dawn of A Brand New Day

I stand before an open womb
As a new day is being born
Beholding the dark blue chasm of the sky
Streaked with virgin rays of orange

And I am awed and humbled
As a witness, to the majesty
Of it's unfolding beauty and power.

Dark blue morphs into light blue
As unrelenting waves
Of newness and boldness
Erode away the darkness.

And then...

I look directly overhead

And stare.....

Life itself, seems divided
Facing east, it's daylight
Facing west, it's still night.

Day before me... Night behind me.

And there I stood,
Between eternity and time
Good and evil....
Day and night.

And the moon sang to me
In a voice

yet gentle.

Sing, oh moon
Sing of your glory,
For your time is almost come.

And then, I turn to embrace
The fullness of the dawning day
As golden beams of sunlight
Bounce off the bottom of clouds
Shouting the glory of God...

It shines!
Oh My God, it shines!!!
The dawn of a brand new day!
by Everest Alexander

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