Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Covering Up...

How skilful is this world at the refined art of covering one's posterior in times of trouble! This white man had an interesting conversation with a fellow parent at his son's primary school yesterday that again highlighted the fact that ingenuity of rear concealment is far from being dead. This unfortunate mum, whose daughter is in my youngest son Luc's class, has had to deal with the best example of posterior protection heard of in recent memory. Her daughter had her ankle broken when pushed over by another boy in her Prep class during playtime late last term. Apparently the poor little girl soldiered on for the rest of the day unaware of the severity of her injury until the doctor delivered the bad news. But of course, because this incident happened in the playground in school-time, frantic principal's and teacher's hands quickly started to descend to collective rears as thoughts of responsibility and culpability entered the frame. The best the school could offer the girl was tutoring during the time she has been home. As for the bullish little charmer responsible for the act - well he was slapped on the hand with the proverbial 'wet lettuce' - instructed that bullying and violence went against the rules of the school and that he shouldn't do such things again...and that was that! When approached about assistance with medical expenses the school quickly reached for the back and claimed "all care, no responsibility". The parents of the boy also shielded their seats claiming that "boys are boys" and they could not be held responsible for things happening in the school. And so at the end of a day a girl suffers and there is no real consequence against anyone responsible. It's backs to the walls for all and cloak your coit at all costs!

Then this morning on the radio this white man listened as a politician delivered what could only be described as a pure buttock-covering masterclass! Sick kids at the Royal Children's Hospital have been consistently having their surgery times cancelled and deferred due to a lack of staffing resources in intensive care wards. The politician magically weaved pure golden spin as he dodged the fact that the government has had ample time to remedy nursing shortages since 1999. Talk about a hands-on-bottom gyration!

When will people just learn to take responsibility for what happens in their world? What does it take for people to just accept accountability and, if need be, just grin and bear it? When will the hands of this world leave their rears and raise themselves over heads and own their failings? Because one thing's for sure - despite every good attempt, know that is physically impossible to cover all of your backside with your hands. A little bit of cheek will always be exposed!

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