Friday, August 22, 2008

Grace & Guglielmucci...

Many media outlets have published and commented on the recent revelation that popular young Christian pastor Michael Guglielmucci's terminal cancer battle was nothing more than a horrible lie. The links for viewing the facts of this sad case are here:
Much could be said about this elaborate fraud and it would be so easy to totally lambaste Guglielmucci for what he has done. Rather, despite the myriad of emotions, it is far more constructive for everyone, at this time of soul-searching and faith clarifying, to simply offer over this entire situation to the Lord to deal with. This white man prays for Michael Guglielmucci at this time and especially prays for his family and the greater spiritual family of the Australian church.

Peter reminded us all that "love covers over a multitude of sins" and Michael Guglielmucci is no different to me or you. Our grace is his grace too - remember that as you consider the heavy stone you're gripping in your hand. Let it go and let God...and yes, even pastors DO preach to themselves sometimes!

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