Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Boys Behaving Badly...

So the Xavier College Year 12 boys have been a bad lot haven't they?! It reminds this white man of his own Year 12 muck up day at my old school, Scotch College. By the way, even I can recall there being a lot of Xavier boys in the local Hawthorn area around that time running amok as well. Private school boys just being a little too public! Anyway what I remember of my end-of-year celebrations back in 1989 were obviously much tamer than the happenings of this week. Nevertheless even back then I can remember thinking that the whole shenanigans were pretty contrived and meaningless. Frankly I was certainly happy to finish up school but all I wanted to do was enjoy the freedom after the exams.

But I will say that the behaviour of some of the Xavier College Year 12 students appears really outrageous. An intimidating balaclava-clad mob moving through the local streets damaging cars, blowing up letter boxes and basically terrorising people is quite a step up from water pistols filled with soy sauce and graffiti-ing other students shirts! Maybe Xavier should have sent all their Year 12 boys to the World Youth Day conference in Sydney earlier this year for some spiritual guidance! Pope Benedict would be most displeased with his boys behaving badly!

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