Monday, October 13, 2008

The Maze...

This white man believes that if faith was designed to be sailed on a set chartered straight course then, frankly it would be more about the destination than the journey. And it's because of this that I grow increasingly perplexed as to why some church's today desire so strongly to place it's members in a gun-barrel straight laneway of faith. They won't allow any deviation, any freedom of individual movement outside of the set course and they slowly erode the believer's independence of faith expression. It frustrates me because the God of creation I know made me with an intellect and a true freedom of choices. That's the God I believe in and love!

And that is why I believe that faith must be encountered and lived not in some perfectly straight tunnel visioned scope of reality. Faith must be lived out in a maze. In mazes, the whole purpose is to get confused, take wrong turns, reach dead-ends, explore all the directions and options and with wisdom then chart a best course to the finish. It happens through trial and error and is not devoid of some very dark and lost moments. That is why faith is amazing! A-maze-in which we must participate in the greatest journey possible...a journey where we chase after God yet amidst the searching also deeply know that God still seeks after us.

Give me that kind of maze any day!

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