Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why So Much Angst?

As noted in this blog previously, this white man has come across some interesting moments in relation to his two son's primary school. And more often than not it's not the school kids who create the curiosity but rather it is their parents. And there's no better example than that witnessed by myself, along with many other parents this morning outside the entrance of Mackellar Primary School. Two mothers, both of Chinese-Timorese origin, having dropped off their sons to their 1/2 class decided to make a spectacle of themselves out on the street by having the most raucous and animated argument possible. What they were in vehement disagreement about was unknown as the verbal venom sprayed around was definitely in a native tongue but there could be no mistaking the totally uninhibited animosity between the ladies. So much so that this white man decided to sit in his car for a good 30 minutes whilst their tirade continued...and continued. I only sat watching because their conflict was so heated that it seemed likely it would turn physical. What was also regrettable about this open display was the fact that some late-coming kids arriving at school all bore witness to the immaturity of the women. Until finally one of the combatants decided she'd had enough and walked away to her house directly opposite the school. The other drove off in her Daihatsu cursing the world from Dili to Delahey!

And it simply made this white man ask himself one question - why can't people just get along? Actually over and above that, because I recognise that naturally conflicts between people happen, the greater question is this - when these confrontations flare why is it that it takes so long for one party to have the wisdom just to walk away and let it go? Is our human pride so all-consuming that we would prefer making a public fool of ourselves before our fellow school community rather than assessing the situation and rationally deciding that discretion is the far better part of valour? I know that we all have our moments of rage and rationality is the furtherest thing from our mind but front of a primary school at 8:55 AM? Grow up ladies please! Your sons would have been ashamed...

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