Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mr Men!

This white man clearly remembers being given many Mr Men books as a kid. He should remember because he's still got most of them! Now they are played with, stacked up, thrown around and rarely read by Kim and Luc. But it seems that the Mr Men series is still soldiering on. Today, in my local Coles supermarket they were selling the books along with little figurines. At the time of writing this Luc is glued to ABC kids TV watching the Mr Men Show! On that curse of a networking tool Facebook, you can send Mr Men characters to friends as gifts. And it seems that Mr Men has embraced a wider range of female Miss Men (?), sorry...Little Miss characters in the spirit of gender equality. Many of the original characters are there: Mr Happy, Mr Bump, Mr Strong, Mr Tickle and so on...But I haven't seen Mr Lazy or fat Mr Greedy re-appear yet. Maybe they have moved on to Mr Men heaven. Actually who needs them parading around for kids these days anyway - it's not as if laziness and obesity aren't enough of a plague upon children!

So anyway, three cheers for all the Mr Men who have stood the test of time and continue to both teach and entertain kids today. And let's hope Mr Men and Little Miss's remain as is - for this white man fears that one day political correctness will rear its ugly head and push upon our kids a Miss Man or Mr Lady or some other twisted reality that would only further mess up our children's innocence. Roger Hargreaves would turn in his grave!

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