Monday, October 27, 2008

Fair Game?

This white man loves his sport. Whether it be AFL, rugby league, football (soccer), union or basically anything that is a fair contest between two opposing teams. But good sport has to be just that - a true and fair contest in which both teams start with an equal chance of victory. And it is because a fair game should consist of these essential basics that I am flabbergasted as to why the 'powers-that-be' continue to persist with that charade of an international tournament, the Rugby League World Cup. I mean let's face it - as fine a sport rugby league is, it is, in essence a breakaway protest from it's original entity, rugby union. And rugby league is seriously played in only a handful of nations - it is hardly a world-wide football code, let alone a world-wide sport. Of the twelve rugby league world cups contested, Australia has won ten! It was a runner-up in one other and mustn't have shown up to the other remaining one! Obviously, Australia dominates the rugby league world as it has arguably the best competition in the world, the NRL. The only other competition of note is the English Super League which is full of retired Aussie NRL players anyway. So why persist with such an ill-conceived joke of a tournament? Everybody knows that the cup will be won by Australia with the runner-up being either New Zealand or England. And so, because it is a race of three, why not just adopt a tri-nations tournament concept like rugby union has for it's big three southern hemisphere powers, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Honestly, why bother with a rugby league world cup - who wants to see Australia hammer Scotland by 100 points? That's not sport; that's not fair game, it's an unfunny joke!

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