Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Theology and Hinch...

For a long time this white man has had an on-going love-hate relationship with "the Human Headline", renowned radio presenter Derryn Hinch. I say it's a love-hate affinity with Hinch as there are simply some things I really respect about the man and the principles he stands on. For example, his fight for justice for victims of crime, expecially child sexual offences is highly commendable. Yet on the other hand there are sides to Hinch that I find difficult to accept. He can be brash and downright rude to people who don't agree with his views and his penchant to play the "shock-jock" sometimes with overly sensationalised stories is highly annoying and sometimes completely distasteful. Yet in and through all of that, I find Hinch a compelling voice in society and, whenever I get the chance I often enjoy his 4-6PM Drive program on 3AW 693.

One current issue that concerns Hinch is typical of the reason he produces such a dichotomy of feeling and opinion. It relates to the present court battle Hinch is involved in. Earlier this year Hinch publicly named and shamed (as only Derryn can) two men charged with child sexual offences. The County Court had issued suppression orders protecting the accused men from being named. Hinch ignored the orders and now finds himself in court with his own charges to defend. He believes he was morally right to name the offenders in the public interest. For a more comprehensive reading of the case click on this link

Everybody who knows Derryn Hinch knows that his number one pet hate in this world are paedophiles. He has already gone to jail, charged with contempt of court for naming a paedophile during the offenders trial some years ago. He has demonstrated unequivocably that he is prepared to sacrifice even his own freedom in his long-term committed campaign to protect the community from the evils of child sexual abuse. And I admire him for his courageous stance. Hinch despises child sexual offenders with a passion and who can blame him for that. Is there a more heinous despicable crime in our society than the sexually abuse of children? As a parent I can't bear to imagine the inner rage I would unleash if my sons were ever subjected to abuse in that way. So I deeply respect Hinch for his zealous and principled fight against this human evil.

Yet I am also conflicted as this soft, still voice maintains a steady whisper from my heart to my head. It whispers repetitively one word: "grace...grace...grace..." And as much as my head tries to mute this continuing impassioned truth from within, I can't help but be stopped in my legalistic tracks to consider and deeply reflect upon this most 'inconvenient' of God's truths. My head hates the paedophile and everything about him, just like Hinch does. Yet my heart reminds me of a cross that stands in the midst of all eternity that speaks not of hate, but overflows with love and, that word, grace. And I am undone by the truth again that if Jesus forgave my sin then His love and grace can also cover the multitude of sins of anyone, even the darkest stains of the paedophile. And therefore I am compelled again to wrestle with the God-given directive to hate the sin but love the sinner. And I continue to wrestle...

Funny how such a strongly self-professed atheist like Derryn Hinch can open up the deepest, most tangled of faith complexities in a white man like me.

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