Monday, January 26, 2009


Today this white man again found himself between cultures as he celebrated both Australia Day and Vietnamese Lunar New Year together at the same time. I can't remember this happening before, so this quirky syncronisation of occasions provides an interesting conundrum for the Vietnamese-Australian community, including their adopted Aussies like me. And so, in the true spirit of multiculturism I, along with Phuong and the boys and my parents decided to have lunch to celebrate the curious blend of festivities. But the dilemma still remained... Should we have a steaming hot Vietnamese pho bo beef noodle broth to welcome the Year of the Buffalo/Ox? Or should we heed the advice of Sam Kekovich and do the 'patriotic' thing by indulging in some good old Aussie lamb chops on Australia Day?

Some beautiful fresh pizzas at La Porchetta solved our dilemma in the best way possible! So there you have it - an Italian lunch to celebrate both Australia Day and the Vietnamese Lunar New Year. That's culinary multiculturalism at it's best and that's why this white man loves Australia!

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