Monday, January 12, 2009

The Simplicity of God's Provision...

This white man was reminded recently of the incredibly simple nature of God's creative genius in relation to how He designed this earth's water cycle. Although the memory is a little vague, I think I can recall in grade 6 learning the importance of water and how water continuously cycles in the natural world. To refresh your memory - the earth is approximately 2/3's ocean and sea. The sun's radiant heat evaporates the water and it rises into the atmosphere to form clouds. These clouds build and rise rapidly, causing rain formations in those stormy clouds. The rain falls back to the earth and eventually makes it's way back into the earth's marine eco-system. I'm sure there are other things that happen in and through that process but that's the basics of nature's own water recycling system.

And I drink...

What it reminds this white man is that in an amazingly simple way our Creator God continues to provide for the world He loves so much. The earth is held in such a precarious stasis position-wise in relation to the sun - any further away and the planet would freeze over; any closer in and we would all be burned to a crisp. We breathe oxygen from green plants which also absorb our carbon dioxide and recycle that back into life-giving oxygen again - another cycle that maintains our lifespan on earth.

And I breathe...

May we all learn to appreciate more the incredible gift of living life the way we were designed to do on this planet. And may we appreciate more the Maker of all things under heaven and on earth.

And I praise...

And live!

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