Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Resolution?

This white man has never been a believer in making new year's resolutions. For it seems patently obvious to me that as soon as a resolution is focused on, made, spoken of and glorified then it merely becomes a means for failure. And inevitably it becomes a pitfall of shame and self-defeat, when the full burden of guilt comes crashing down in that pitiful moment when the realisation occurs that goes something like "I'm so hopeless, I couldn't even hold true to my resolution for __ (insert number of choice) weeks/months... "

So I say have goals and objectives for your year but don't exalt it unrealistically by naming it a "new year's resolution". And work your hardest to the best of your ability to achieve your goals in your life. But don't be too brutal on yourself when things deviate from their original course. Life is too short to be in the business of torturous self-inquisition for the sake of appeasing your sense of guilt. God hates that kind of pathetic masochistic soul-berating stuff! He's not a condemning God so don't be a self-condemning child of God.
So if you want this white man's opinion, resolve to rid yourself of the resolution! And have a Happy New Year!

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