Thursday, January 8, 2009

Young, Free, Warm and Blessed!

It took just one week for this white man to blot his perfect daily blog entry sequence for this new year 2009. Oh well...that's something I don't need to stress about any more. And that's exactly why I don't make new year's resolutions. But I digress. For this white man really just wants to praise God for the fact that he lives in such a beautiful country, Australia. That's not to say that Australia is the most beautiful or even the best country on earth. But it is perfect for someone like me and I feel privileged and blessed to, as Peter Allen and Qantas would remind me, "still call Australia home."

Recently I was looking at some really stunning pictures from northern England, placed on Facebook by my sister-in-law's partner Nick. Currently he and Nguyet are spending a chilly Christmas and New Year in his homeland, the UK. One photo really stood out in it's beauty and antiquity.

It's the very old Durham Castle and Cathedral, magnificently illuminated for maximum effect. As I pondered over this photo it made me realise how young the nation of Australia is. The words of the national anthem began to ring in my head; "Australians all, let us rejoice for we are young and free..." We really do live in a young, fresh and still vibrant country. We may not have ancient castles and grand cathedrals but we are still so rich in what we do have. Freedom, natural wonders, prosperity and a bearable climate. I mention climate as poor Nick and particularly Nguyet currently shiver in 1 degree average daily temperatures in Durham. So thank you LORD for gifting me with a much blessed homeland, this great south land Australia!

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